Thursday 24 March 2016
This morning I woke up very early, and, wanting to take advantage of the quiet and read something,
I came across yet another article written by a young woman on depression, anxiety, panic attacks,
difficulty in relationships, etc.
Those words brought to mind different situations experienced especially during my childhood and
adolescence. It made me think of the internal wars that have been going on in recent days, wars
in which young people in particular, still so fragile, find themselves greatly involved.
All of this reminded me that I have a moral duty to try to be somehow helpful by sharing some advice
from my personal experiences. So I turn to those who may need it, and hope it will help.
1. Remember that you have free will
Life is a wonderful gift that has been given to you. You have the power through your choices
to make it better. Although it may not often seem that way, it all depends on you and not on others:
this is such a wonderful thing.
2. Focus on all that is good and positive
And share it !! Train your mind to do this and you will learn not only to feel better,
but also to make those around you feel better by sending them good vibes.
3. Give thanks as much as possible, sincerely and deeply.
Do not miss an opportunity to give thanks even for the smallest things and for what we tend
to take for granted. Gratitude is very powerful: it brings up joy, makes us more humble,
and makes us realize what we already have.
4. Search for nature
When you can, find a moment of solitude. WWherever you prefer, whether it be in your room,
the place you love in the meadow, in front of a sunset, in a wood, etc.
Go out and hug the trees !!!!
There is nothing like nature to regenerate the soul (body and spirit together) and
you can feel the power of creation.
5. Use your talents to have joy and help others
But also use your own experiences !!! Don't waste even a minute wanting to give a hand
to those who find themselves where you once stood. You've been there.
You can be more useful than you think and you will realize how many blessings are reserved
for you thanks to this-to know that you have raised, comforted or somehow made someone
happy is pure joy !!
6. Fill your mind and heart with everything that edifies the Spirit,
that brings peace, serenity, joy, that teaches you important lessons, that enriches you spiritually and makes you become a better person. Avoid what fills you with nothing and take away space for the rest.
7. Research the beauty and nobility
that brings you closer to the divine and surround yourself with it: books, poetry, music, art ...
8. The most important relationship you need to cultivate is that
with your Heavenly Father.
Heaven is not just an ornament, it is there for everyone: use it!!!
Make yours become an ever deeper relationship and, opening your heart
to Him, lose yourself in Him in long chats.
You will understand that you are truly never alone.
He knows your heart better than you do.
His unconditional love is the driving force of everything,
including getting you up in the morning.
Feeling that love is the biggest push you can have.
9. Don't force yourself, but love yourself !
Don't force yourself to do something that isn't in tune with what you are,
or something you simply don't feel ready for -perhaps it's just the wrong time.
It is of no benefit to you or to others to force something, especially in relationships
with others. Instead, remember to love yourself!
Follow a good diet (lbut love food!), give yourself a healthy rest,
try to find your psycho-emotional balance.
Remember that you are you, unique and irreplaceable, and this what makes you special.
Avoid comparisons with others unless you want to be inspired to be a better person.
And don't think you're not "normal".
What does "normal" even mean anyways?
10. Relax and Keep It Light!
Use your sense of humor to put every situation in the right perspective.
Laughing is so good for the health, it relaxes and often brings things back
to the right perspective and reminds you that after all..
we are here on earth to experience joy! :)
I sincerely thank those who inspired me to writw this today reminding me
one again of my task in this life by renewing my testimony that
our weaknesses will one day be our strenght.
A hug